Sience says for itself, so now I don’t need to be saying for and from myself, and even caring, craving. Something more simple (maybe than me) brought to a higher state (me)…

Perspective of life, living. Photons of light, all them carrying energy down, to be synthesized, extracted and be produced in the biological realm, raining down doing so, for me to see (and actually see anything) need in writing this, as well as to be aside of this and be (stay) thinking in nothing, that that is a possibility, but, to be explaining the way into which I go…

For a non-believer or atheist, it’s better say, “Oh!, my thoughts coincided with god’s ones”, than say, “god’s ones (thoughts) coincided with mine” (Just to say, it’s a lot more humble the first statement)…

It isn’t because you are blind, that the wall ceases to exist or led to be what it ever was…

Story is over history, and history, and history again, and again, and again…

We need to have humility, to actually learn, and to say, grow then, and to possibly make this or that capable, wait when it is possible, to hope and happen the best (C’mon man, hope brings nothing if any, exclusively for me, or you, individual subjectivity…) , for subjectively the best of others, as well as everyone as a community, group, we are, (scientifically saying species)…